day 500: I Never Imgained…

I started Purposed worKING on October 1, 2008, which will be two years this coming Friday, which will be the 502nd post. I thought the 500th post was going to fall on the two-year anniversary. It didn’t but it sure was close. As I mark 500 posts today I marvel at how this idea of doing a daily blog was laid on my heart back in the summer of 2008 when I was wondering what I was going to do with the extra time I had been given after SNOCAP was sold. While trying to determine if I should go back to work full-time, I decided that I needed to do something worthwhile with my extra time and also with the knowledge I had been gaining from reading wholly through the Bible for the third time and collecting verses on the topic of work. I had no idea back when I first started this and into the summer of 2008 that what I began on October 1, 2008 would turn into two years and over 500 posts on the subject of how to find the true purpose of our daily work. But, here we are and 500 posts have happened and two years will have passed. I smile because when I mark this much time it reminds me that I would have completed two years of college in the same time frame I have been daily writing this blog. That seems wild to me. Many times in life and in our work we never know where something might lead when we start it anew. A new job, a new assignment, a new hobby, a new relationship; they will all lead to new opportunities and doors being opened and our lives changing. Purposed worKING is a joy for me to write. I will be honest too and tell you that sometimes it is also work to ensure that I meet my deadlines. It has spurred many new conversations and new opportunities for me to share my faith and meet new people. It is also a great discipline for me personally to stay in God’s Word and to draw upon the lessons for myself too. One never knows where God will lead us, but if we use the talents and gifts He has given us then we can say like Mordecai said to Queen Esther; “What’s more, who can say but that you have been elevated to the palace for just such a time as this?” We never know where our talents will send us, but God does and those talents will get used for His glory if we listen and allow Him to work in our lives.

Thank you for letting me be a small part of your work day for these past two years and 500 posts. If Purposed worKING supports or touches you in any way, please pass it along to others. I may never know where it goes, but you may be able to make a difference in someone’s life just by exposing them to something that means something to you.

Have a blessed and purposeful day of worKING!

Reference: Esther 4:14 (New Living Testament)