Tag Archives: zacchaeus

day 1287: Heat Seekers Are Still Out There!

“Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy.”

Beyonce surprised everyone (well maybe Jay Z knew) with her new album last week.  With no marketing, no pre-hype build up, no leaks, no radio promotional copies, no early singles, she just released a full album with music videos prepared and all.  With her record breaking sales of 828,773 albums sold on itunes in the first 3 days, she proved that the heat seekers still are out there.  We think we need to prime the market to get the hard core fans the people who want what they can’t get to be there first. Beyonce proves that the heat seekers, the ones who want it first, show up no matter when and how they hear about it. The PS4 and the XBox One both saw their heat seeking fans this holiday season too.  The videogame consoles have to tell everyone well ahead of time because they need the developers to be building games that will play on them when they are shipped, but I suspect that if everything could be kept under wraps (like Beyonce did with her music videos), that they too could prove that the heat seekers will always be there.  Do you know who your heat seekers are in your business?

How excited are we today to hear from Jesus?  Are we heat seekers of His?  Zacchaeus was willing to look like a fool, climbing a tree to just see Jesus!  Yet, we don’t open up our Bibles daily or enter into conversation of prayer, or go to church on Sunday to hear what God has to say to us? We need to ask ourselves what has cooled us down in our seeking of God in our lives and see if we can’t heat back up.  God needs more heat seekers for Him!  This is the time of the year to recommit and set our sights in 2014 on what really matters.  Being a heat seeker of Jesus should be at the top of our all our lists.

Reference: Luke 19:6 (New Living Translation)