Tag Archives: working together

day 611: The Power Of Working Together

“…We want to work together with you so you will be full of joy as you stand firm in your faith.”

The preference of working together or working alone is one of those questions that we get on a personality assessments. It’s a great piece of information that can make a big difference in one’s ability to assimilate successfully into a company culture or not. A person who feels more comfortable being an individual contributor likely will either feel like a fish out of water, or not succeed in a company where the value is placed on teamwork and collaboration. Not that we all can’t change and grow but this is something important to know about a company and ourselves. I believe there are many benefits to being able to work with others and being in a place that cares about people working together. Of course, there are times when we have to work alone (I am writing this by myself for example) but we can find other fulfillment when we share an achievement with others. Teams multiply efforts and can multiply results.

As those who are trying to bring glory to God in how we work, it can be lonely if we don’t bond and work together with others. Even if we are the lone voice in our workplace we can still find camaraderie with others who work elsewhere but share our same beliefs. Our churches are full of others like us, if we will just reach out and start the conversation. Today, think about what Paul tells us are the benefits of standing together in our faith. The joy that can come from this type of working together can be awesome.

Reference: 2 Corinthians 1:24 (New Living Testament)