Tag Archives: weariness

day 2231: Summer Break

 “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

It’s almost summer, isn’t it?  Technically, Summer doesn’t begin until next month, but since here in the U.S. we have crossed Memorial Day, it’s time to start thinking about what are our summer plans going to be?  Yes, it’s time for road trips, vacations, beach time, and long weekends.  It’s also time for those who have been burnt out all year long to get their well-deserved R&R.  But, will we really let those around us (and will we ourselves) take a real vacation?  A real vacation means to “vacate” our work, if even for a few days.  We are in a never-ending, always on and always accessible world.  Or as I once heard it, A.O.R.T.A – -Always On Real Time Access.  However, we know, whether we admit it or not, that this is not sustainable forever.  We all need downtime and the best way we can get our own downtime is to respect the vacation time of others.  If we don’t send others emails while they are on vacation, then they won’t feel the need to check their emails or peek at their phones over dinner. It’s an easy change really…we just make vacation what it once was…vacation time, not part time work time.

God knows us so well.  He knows that we tire and as such He gives us encouragements and promises to keep us going and to not let our weariness get in the way of the work we are doing for Him. I also believe that God wants to keep us fresh because He has seen how we slip and fall when we allow ourselves to become exhausted. Let’s hold to God’s promise that we should never tire of doing good because what He has stored up for us to gather will be special.

Reference: Galatians 6:9 (New Living Translation)