Tag Archives: We Work

day 2705: Running Scared Or Running Sacred?

“Stay on the path that the Lord your God has commanded you to follow.”

In keeping with the running metaphor (the NYC Marathon did kick the week off after all), I have seen more than one company and business during the last few weeks who are running scared. The We Work IPO collapse, along with a few others have investors scratching their heads about a number of upcoming IPOs.  We’ve even seen others who have announced that they are pulling back before trying.  Watching some investors who are now worried about their next round of funding or having to pivot their businesses to attract new investors, has begun to feel like what occurred in late 2007/2008.  I’m not predicting or saying that we are going into a different cycle, but it is important that when we have moments like this that we don’t begin to run scared and make quick decisions that we might come back to regret. So, if it feels like a scary time, that is the time to slow down and make sure that our heads are clear.

At some point we all will run scared and it is then that we need to call on Christ to keep us in a safe place. When we start to run scared, if we just reorient where we place the “C” in our lives we can go from running scared to running sacred.  Running sacred is to be assured and confident that whatever is to come that we will come out on the other end on the path of God’s will, which as we know, is always good for us.

Reference: Deuteronomy 5:33 (New Living Translation)