Tag Archives: warby effect

day 2002: Enough Or Too Little?

“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”

It’s now called “The Warby Effect”.  Named after the online eyeglass company Warby Parker, this effect is for those companies that are able to go direct to the consumer with products that in the past demanded a face-to-face interaction.  For eyeglasses we had to be “fitted”.  And now for the new direct-to-consumer mattress play, “Casper”.  Casper has been selling mattresses online without anyone having to lie on the mattress for the required (figuratively) 45 seconds and then get the hard sell from a commissioned salesperson.  This week Casper introduced the sales of pillows online.  Their founders were interviewed regarding how many pillows they pre-created to sell.  They had a great answer, that most of also have thought when we were doing something new, but maybe didn’t say; “We only know this. The amount will be either too much or too less.”  And there you have it; we work in a world of not being able to predict exactly how much of anything we need, so all we can do is feel that we have done our best to estimate as close as we can.  And, so that has to be good enough.

We are told that God’s grace is always enough.  It is sufficient for all our needs.  There is never too little of God’s grace available to us.  As we go through this day, are we accepting what He is providing and then living gratefully so that others can also see His grace revealed through what he is doing for us?

Reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9 (New Living Translation)