Tag Archives: Walkouts

day 3K12: Walkouts

“At this point many of his disciples turned away and deserted him.”

Whether it is one person, small group, or a large group, walkouts have become a thing.  A walkout is when people just up and quit their jobs for whatever reason and never look back.  I’ve seen it over the years happen but not as frequently as today.  Maybe it is just a moment in time when employees/labor have more leverage, but I also think it a sign of the times that those who work want more and different from their jobs than employers appreciate.  When someone just walks out it isn’t because of what happened in the moment, it’s been a build up of this issue or others that finally comes to a head and the walkout is the final action.  It’s worth evaluating; what might be going on, or is missing in the work provided that could be simmering.

Imagine that Jesus had Disciples walkout on Him???  Yes, it happened.  He had work for His Disciples to do and as He explained the why of their work and what would be expected of them, the Bible tells us that not a few, but many chose to walk away and not continue on with Jesus.  What did that feel like for Him?  Being one who saw one lost sheep as precious as the entire flock, it had to hurt and likely hurt to the core as He knew more than them what they were walking away from.  We are going to be put in situations daily where we get to walk with or walkout on Jesus.  Which will we choose?

Reference:  John 6:66 (New Living Translation)