Tag Archives: waking up

day 483: The Best Part Of Waking Up…

If you are over 40 years old you can probably finish the rest of the jingle of the title of this post. There is something always new and fresh about the mornings. It is the time when we have the greatest amount of energy, well maybe that is after the second cup of coffee. 🙂 The mornings are the time when thoughts can be gathered, lists can be made, and there is enough quiet time to get things squared away before everything reaches its full fevered pitch. I find that the mornings can be the most productive time, if we make the most of it. It is also the time for when we can prepare ourselves for the day both physically and mentally. Those who hit the office with their heart, lungs and mind warmed up and ready to go, might get an extra step on the rest. There is nothing better than starting the work day already at a running start. We can also best prepare ourselves by being warmed up spiritually so that by the time we get to the office we know that God is there with us and has already heard us early in the morning. David writes in Psalm 5:3; “Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.” Today, or tomorrow, if today has already started for you, try starting the day with bringing yourself and your work to God early in the morning and then wait and listen for what He says and does. While I always liked the Folgers jingle, it may be that there is a better part of waking up than how the jingle goes.

Reference: Psalm 5:3 (New Living Testament)