Tag Archives: vision

day 1164: Vision Casting

“Where there is no vision, the people perish..” 

Everyone likes vision casters.  These are the people who seem to be able to see around the corner and create a vision of what the rest of us can’t yet see.  Investors especially love vision from CEO and Founders.  Those analysts who represent investors sometimes though have the least vision, so they are even more enamored with those who lean forward into the future.  This is the problem the Apple has right now.  The analysts think that Apple has lost their vision.  Have they though?  Analysts are asking questions like, “Is it search?”, “Is it voice?”  But, what do we know?  One can’t ask a question about what a vision is because a vision, again, is something that the rest of us can’t yet see.  Prior to the launch of the iPod, Steve Jobs played the guessing game with me and asked me what I thought could change the world, would fit in my pocket, but wasn’t a a phone or a camera.  At that time, the last thing I was going to come up with was another mp3 player.  But, he had a vision and that is why other others followed.  If we aren’t constantly trying to create a vision for our employees, our customers, our consumers and our shareholders, then we run the risk of losing their attention and worse yet the curiosity of their imagination.

We know that God has a vision for us and how eternity will play itself out.  He created this for us so we don’t have to create one on our own.  In fact, when we try to do so we run counter to what He desires for us.  Each and every day we have the opportunity to follow and work into His vision.  That vision is clearly spelled out for us in His Word and if we just begin to inquire into the Bible for how we fit into that vision much will be opened up for us to explore.  We can get so caught up with what is right in front of us that we lose sight of the bigger picture.  Today as we close off this work week let’s not take this day as just any other Friday, but instead ask God what He has in store for us and ask Him to reveal His vision today. It might just end up being a remarkable Friday (not to mention the longest day of the year)!

Reference: Proverbs 29:18 (New Living Translation)