Tag Archives: value

day 2031: Time Value

“A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away.”

I can’t think of anything in my lifetime that now becomes devalued faster than a hardback book.  We may pay $9.99 – $24.99 for that book and the minute we go to sell it, we might receive a couple of dollars for it, but more than likely we will end up selling it in a box marked $.25/each or just checking off the perceived value on a donation to Goodwill receipt.  I write about this because we have to stay aware that what was once highly valued when collected and cared for, can see its value dissipate and we might not even know that it is happening.  What is the value of the employee of the month parking spot to the person who now takes the train or uses Uber to get to work?  What we think is of value needs to be continuously be rethought.

What will never be devalued is time.  We might devalue it to our own personal standards, because we waste or squander it, but how we invest and spend our time remains finite and precious.  We are now into our second full week of January.  How are the resolutions going?  Was one of them to spend time in some different way – more exercise time, more time in the Word, less TV time?  Likely time is in the equation, so it’s not too early to reset and be sure that we are valuing our time appropriately and investing it in those areas that have forever implications.

Reference:  Ecclesiastes 3:6 (New Living Translation)