Tag Archives: unlock

day 2317: “Unlock”

“For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

The business world loves a good buzzword.  I’m not sure why, but I hear the word, “Unlock” more than before.  In context it goes like this, “We just need to unlock the problem.”, “I had a real unlocking of my thinking over the weekend.”, “If we can only unlock the potential of this company.”  Unlocking is the latest for “solving” or “breakthrough”.  All mean the same; to get us to a place where we want to be, but might be stuck today.  I like the idea of unlocking as I can stop and consider what has me “locked” in my thinking or openness to a new idea.  We need words to inspire us and to hang onto that create common language for us to work efficiently.  What words are in our company’s vocabulary that catalyze people to think bigger, better, faster, and more productively?  If you can’t think of many (or any), then it might be time to find a few.

Whenever I read Jesus’ words in the book of Matthew as He uses the metaphor of a door as our way to Him, I am astoundingly reminded that there is no lock on this door.  If He was walking the Earth today maybe He would have said, “For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who searches, finds. And to everyone who enters, the site will always be open with no password needed.”  Or, maybe not.  A door is timeless and the idea of Jesus telling me, and all of us, that we can enter freely reinforces that it only ourselves that lock the door on Him, never the other way around.  Today, we will all encounter a locked door, probably many, both figuratively and literally.  Each time that happens today let’s remind ourselves to continually unlock ourselves to Him!

Reference:  Matthew 7:8 (New Living Translation)