Tag Archives: Tugboats

day 2248: Tugboats

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”

I woke Saturday morning to the sound of fog horns as the ships moving along the Rhode Island shore were letting each other know that they were out there. Some of those boats may have been tugboats as they push and pull other boats of barges through the water. I was reminded that throughout our organizations we have people who act as our internal tugboats, moving and pushing us forward when we run out of steam. These are the people who inspire and also cut the red tape so that others can get things done. Our “tugboats” are important and we should spend more time making sure that they are happy and productive.

This week might be a tough week for many and we all need to be sure that we have our energy in place to overcome what will be in front of us.  Paul tells us who our most special tugboat truly is when he says that he draws his strength from Christ. Enough so that Paul’s confidence was that he could do everything through Christ. So, today know that like He was with Paul,  He is with us, with you, to keep us moving forward.

Philippians 4:13 (New Living Translation)