Tag Archives: try

day 1060: Try, Try and Try Again

“Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “Listen,” he said, “and try to understand.”

Failing is part of trying. No successful business or businessperson has gotten to where they are without failing at least once, and many have failed multiple times and still found a way to become successful. The key is learning from those failures and then not making the same mistake twice. There are few failures, outside of breaking the law or doing something immoral, that we can’t come back from and live another day. Sure, there are many stories of those who bet the farm on a direction or strategy and end up bankrupt, but even they are able to find their way back if they work hard enough at what they are trying to achieve.  We have seen many a company that is on their last few dollars when they found a new way to hang in there and grow.  A few weeks ago we saw one of the largest banks in the world, pay a substantial fine for manipulating the financial markets.  It’s a significant black eye, but even this type of failure will likely be overcome and if they don’t dwell on the problem but instead work hard to do right, then they are likely to have this pass.  It is always interesting to me to see which companies recover and which ones seem to never bounce back. As best as I can tell it is about being true recovering and doing all that can be done to return to the public and employee’s trust.  And of course, failures that are just because of trying something new, then “try, try and try again” is important to follow.

God knows that we will fail and He always gives us ways back to Him.  If we are trying to live for Him and we fail and then ask Him to bring and bounce us back, He will….every time!  All we have to do is listen to Him. When we work for God’s glory His definition of success is in the continued quest to be closer and more like Him.  When we work for God’s glory there is not any better work.  He cares about every little thing and desires us to strive with all that we have.  So, today as we go to our offices know that we have to try, try and try again!

Reference:  Matthew 15:10 (New Living Translation)