Tag Archives: truth

day 684: The Truth

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

It seems that wherever we turn, there is the pursuit of truth and a distrust in the process of getting there. Institutions that once were thought to only provide truth are now suspect. What appeared to be the truth, turns out to be not true. People claim to be telling the truth, only to find that they have lied. What we know to be true doesn’t get claimed as such because it would be harmful to the career of a person. We regulate for truth in advertising and truth in labeling and ingredients. Businesses have been forced into transparency to keep the truth revealed. And yet, with all of this, the truth evades us and we many times give up on getting to the truth because it is too hard, too painful, or too exposing of others. The amount of time we spend in the office trying to get to the truth and then holding onto it long enough to build upon it would be a staggering number of hours if we could quantify such a thing. As we know, the truth is hard to find and hard to maintain, but we must do that in our businesses if we are to succeed in the long run and be able to hold our heads high.

As believers we know where the truth comes from and His truth is liberating and empowering. When we have His truth in our hearts we also are given an inner voice, a compass, a direction, that keeps talking to us about the importance of carrying that truth, and all truths throughout our whole lives. If we don’t follow the truth then we are turning our backs on Him and telling the rest of the world that He is not who He says He is. When we don’t uphold the truth and live and work by the truth then we run the risk of being hypocritical in front of others. If there is anyone who must live and work by the truth, it is us!

Reference: John 8:32 (New Living Testament)