Tag Archives: Track and Field

day 3K7: The Surface

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

Track and Field records are being broken left and right at The Olympics.  Why?  Well, many believe it is because of the technologically advanced track design.  Athletes are saying they “feel a bounce”.  Makes sense to me.  Shoe companies have spent years and vast amounts of money trying to provide extra “spring” within the shoes, so transfer that little bit of “extra” to the track and you get greater leg turnover and if only a few percentage points faster, it makes a huge difference when the results are being determined by hundreds of a second.  Imagine that in the workplace, we could just make the surfaces that we work on even just a little better.  Imagine feeling an extra “bounce” or “spring” in each meeting, each conversation, each email or correspondence.  If we think about our work environment as the track that our amazing work athletes perform upon each day, then we will want nothing but the most advanced, best surface for them to work.

God has given each of us a surface from which we work and live.  What He gave us extra, if we so choose to accept it is the extra light of His that guides us along our given paths.  Like a high performing runner our lives are the same; one step at a time.  Let’s let God guide us on His perfect surface so that we might receive the most He has to give us.

Reference:  Psalm 119:105 (New Living Translation)