Tag Archives: The Sign On The Wall

day 2392: The Sign On The Wall

“This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens.”

I had a fascinating conversation with someone who worked for the same CEO for a long time.  This person described the CEO as two different people.  The early days; scrappy, humble, appreciative of others kind of person who was just hopeful to get the company off the ground.  And then years later there was the arrogant, reckless, ego-maniac person who couldn’t be told anything but what was desired to hear.  The difference?  Success of the company.  As the company scaled and grew this CEO decided it was all about the perfect leadership from the top. Well, that CEO is no longer with the company and all of that ego and first-person attitude came home to roost. With success it is hard to remember what it was like when success was not the norm.  But it might be that we were better people then.  As you know, I am a strong advocate of defined values and principles that a company both follows and aspires.  The more well-stated and visible they are, the better.  The more repeated and followed, the better.  The more used for recognition, reward and performance management, the better.  So, the sign on the wall that reminds us who we want to be, that is good.

The sign on the wall for us as believers is just as important.  We can be helped to stay principled and humble by staying in God’s Word.  It is human nature to look to God’s teachings to boost us up, but let’s also remember that God’s Word is also there to keep us wrestled down to where we need to be.  If things are going really great, it’s even more important that we take the time to look into the Word for the lessons that keep us grounded.

Reference:  Deuteronomy 17:20 (New Living Translation)