Tag Archives: The price of too right

day 2991: The Price Of Too Right

“When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly”

It’s good to be right.  But it’s not always good to be too right.  One of my companies is going through a dispute.  Both sides are right about a lot of things.  But, both sides want to be right about everything.  One side in particular is too right and can never be wrong.  I fear it is not going to end well.  When one wants to be too right it can mean that there is no room for compromise or give.  There is a price to be paid if we pursue being the only one who can be right.

Matthew tells us to settle our differences quickly.  He goes on to say, “I assure you that you won’t be free until you have paid the last penny.”  We all experience disputes, disagreements, different points of view, etc.  What I believe we are hearing from Matthew is that what really matters is not the “what” but the “how” in our resolution of conflicts.  When we draw out a dispute, or we let a problem with someone else fester, we end up paying a price for that.  I think of the years that go by with disputes not resolved that can take a toll from everyone involved.  Got something that needs to be resolved?  Hear out Matthew…”settle your differences quickly”.

Reference:  Matthew 5:25 (New Living Translation)

Note:  As you might be following along, we are approaching the 3000th post of Purposed worKING.  Many of you have been with me since the beginning in October 2008.  Others might have just recently subscribed.  Either way, I’d like to thank you for reading along daily with a special 1/2 hour Thank You Zoom Call on Wednesday July 14th at 1:00pm PDT/4:00PM EDT.  If you are interested in attending, email me at rusty@rueff.com and I will send you the link.