Tag Archives: The Mormon Channel

day 1545: Looking Backwards

When they were safely out of the city, one of the angels ordered, “Run for your lives! And don’t look back or stop anywhere in the valley! Escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away!”

A farmer knows that when he/she looks backwards when plowing a field that when they look forward again, they will have drifted and swayed.  It is best to look back from where we have come from when we have stopped.  To try and do it when we are moving is only going to cause problems.  There is a time to stop, reflect, look back and readjust, but when we are already moving forward and gaining momentum, there can’t be any looking back.  It’s a great January lesson for all business.

My friend Steve sent me this video on entering the New Year and when to not look back.  It was a tough way to learn a lesson for Lot’s wife.  It’s worth the watch of the video and reflect which way we are looking now?


It’s the beginning of a new year, let’s move forward with no looking back!

Reference: Genesis 19:17 (New Living Translation)