Tag Archives: The Business: Part 4 – Creating Safety

day 2348: The Business: Part 4 – Creating Safety

“No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.My body rests in safety.”

Here is a little five-part series I’ve titled, “The Business” to dive down into a few areas of business leadership that we sometimes overlook.

There has been much written and told about the unsafe and hostile workplaces that we have allowed to be created (and tolerated).  There are many reasons of ethical, moral and legal consequences as to why we shouldn’t let this happen, but if for no other reason than missing the potential to effectively run and maximize the potential of the business, we must create safety in the workplace.  No great idea, product, service or decision is made in a place where there is fear of retribution, persecution or harm (mental or physical).  Those who work in manufacturing, distribution and experimentation recognize intensely the need for safety, but those who work in the knowledge or service industries can overlook that safety is a broad term and one that needs to be reviewed and tended like any other part of the culture.  When did we last think of our culture with safety in the broadest terms in mind?  Maybe, it is a good time to do so.

What a promise we receive in Psalm 16:9. King David nails it when he provides us with the benefits of safety.  Our hearts can be glad and rejoice and we can thrive when we know that we are safe within the arms of God.  He allows us to rest in His safety if we trust upon Him. I also read into this verse that we are to be ones who also assist others in recognizing that our ultimate safety is with Him.  Today, there is someone we know who does not feel safe on the job. They may be worried about losing their job.  They may be under stress and duress from a boss or co-worker. They may be getting ready to present or pitch something where they are concerned that they will lose standing or reputation if they mess it up.  Whatever the circumstance, we can be there for them if we just take a moment to recognize and reach out. It may be that we are the only safety net they have and when they thank us, we can tell them it’s not us that creates safety.  We are just living out what we are promised, believe and experience.

Reference: Psalm 16:9 (New Living Translation)