Tag Archives: Taking Ownership

day 2244: Taking Ownership

“In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.”

Amazon’s announcement that they are purchasing Whole Foods took many by surprise.  For me it wasn’t surprise as much as it was amazement.  The minute I read the news alert I thought, “Here comes the future again.”  We don’t know what it is that Jeff Bezos has in mind, but we can be assured that he will take the ownership of Whole Foods to unveil his next great experiment. Sometimes, we have to just take ownership and the associated risks to see what can be!

The Bible is filled with story after story of God giving ownership of lands, armies, treasures, and people to leaders and rulers and then watching them fail over and over with not taking enough true ownership to stand up to their faults or recognize from which all they had came.  He has given us each our time, talents and treasures.  How is it that we are owning up to what we have been given?

Reference:  Romans 12:6 (New Living Translation)