Tag Archives: Taking Advantage

day 2788: Taking Advantage

Show your fear of God by not taking advantage of each other. I am the Lord your God.”

I have been so encouraged by the entrepreneurs and business leaders who I am hearing from who are looking for ways to do extra good for others during this time. They could be more worried about their own problems, but instead they are trying to bring their goods, services and business to those who are most in need.  We need more of this to support those on the front lines and those who are in dire need economically and physically.  Conversely, I see companies who are trying to “cash in” on this crisis as they sit in market segments that are booming and they see this as a chance to make hay while the sun is shining.  I caution that attitude right now.  Yes, if we are working in a business sector that is strong, that is great, but it is not to take advantage of others.  Everyone is watching and will remember the actions taken during this time.  Humility and gratefulness might be the two best calling cards right now!

God warns us that we are not to take advantage of each other and this time should be a good reminder.  We are today in a major situation, all together, but every day we are in small situations where we can choose to help and support others or we can take advantage of the situation and not worry about the others who are on the other end of the deal. I think we know which direction God wants us to take.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and if you are looking for a Good Friday online service and also online Easter services on Sunday, I’d love to have you join us at CornerstoneSF.  Here are all the details: https://www.cornerstonesf.org/events/easter-services

Reference: Leviticus 25:17 (New Living Translation)