Tag Archives: strife

day 2065: Internal Strife

“Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, ‘Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A city or home divided against itself is doomed.'”

Internal strife can be the beginning of the end.  When we see it, we are better off to react swiftly and surgically to remove the source.  When we let the strife hang around we end up with more issues and those people who are susceptible to being dragged down will end up in a worse place than they were before.  I’ve seen internal disagreements, clashes, grudges and animosity take over and drive irreconcilable differences between a team.  And never be deceived, because when it happens in one team, it flows down to the next team and on and on.  So, where there is strife, there is fire and it needs to be taken care of immediately.

It was Jesus who said that internal strife and division within a kingdom or family will create doom.  I find the lesson telling because as we set our lives to bring glory to Him in our work, etc., the burden falls on us to not be the ones who create or promulgate strife and division.  We are to be the peacekeepers, the ones who unify, and the ones who encourage the problems to be solved.  It is a great challenge because it is a tangible daily example that we can lead.

Reference: Matthew 12:25 (New Living Translation)