Tag Archives: siri

day 2308: Voice Recognition

“You have spoken in my hearing,and I have heard your very words.”

Everything is heading towards voice recognition.  There might be a generation of us who are still more comfortable with our hands on a keyboard, but I predict that in the not too distant future we will hear the jokes about us old people who used to actually have to “type and write”.  The adoption rate of the Amazon Echo and the Google Home is astounding and we are already talking to our Cable Box/DVR remotes.  This curve will move fast. I don’t know if “Alexa”,  “Okay, Google” or “Siri” will be the end games, but I know for sure that if we have a consumer product or service that demands some kind of tactile interaction, then we better think again and think quickly.

I was having a conversation with a friend who told me he has been seeking God’s direction and he thinks he knows what he is supposed to do, but is hesitating because he’s not sure that he is hearing God right.  My first response was, “Welcome to the club.”  After I got that out of the way, I asked him, “Have you been reading God’s Word with your question on your mind, seeking the scriptures to speak to you?”.  He said, “Yes.”  I then asked him, “Have you been praying earnestly over this decision, asking for wisdom and guidance in the decision and surrendering yourself to God’s will?”  He said, “Yes”.  I followed up with, “Have you been talking this over with other godly people in your small group or others who also believe and follow?”  He answered, “Yes”.  Finally, I asked him, “From those three sources are you hearing a voice inside you that is telling you to do one thing, versus another?”  He responded, “Yes”.   So, I took the bold choice of telling him that the voice he was hearing, was the voice that he should listen.  For, if we are in God’s Word, in surrendered prayer, and seeking Godly advice and counsel, then we should rest assured that our voice is recognized by God and that He is speaking back to us.  The hidden blessing is that His voice recognition goes both ways in all that we do.  BTW, it just so happened to be a job decision that my friend was concerned over.  So, yes God’s voice recognition is in ALL that we do.

Reference:  Job 33:8 (New Living Translation)