Tag Archives: shelf placement

day 2072: Shelf Placement

“Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. “

In the retail world there is little more important than shelf placement.  The ideal place on a shelf is right at eye level so that what is being displayed is first seen.  We can extrapolate this concept to all that we do.  We need the right placement online, in advertising, in face to face interactions.  Being first to be seen, top of mind, or front of the line will be best placement for our products and services.  But, do we really know what that means?  Do we know what our customers and consumers consider “eye-level”?  We might think we do, but it is worth going deeper to be sure.

Every consider that we are God’s shelf?  That indeed He is residing in each and everyone of us and we become either the placement that He needs from us, or we don’t.  If we do, then we can be front and center for Him.  If we aren’t then He gets buried back behind lots of other things and never noticed.  It is our responsibility to carry Him with us forward each and every day in all that we do.

Reference: Matthew 22:37 (New Living Translation)