Tag Archives: sharing

day 2179: Bring The Sharing

 “Those who are taught the word of God should provide for their teachers, sharing all good things with them.”

Seth Godin wrote this last week as part of a post on “How to be Heard”.  He wrote: “Speak up about shared truths, shared principles and shared goals.” The key in this is the word, “share”.  I have heard people say that someone shouldn’t share so much as it relates to talking out of school too much, but outside of that, everyone likes someone else who shares.  Our best leaders and mentors share their experiences and learning.  Our best teammates share the workload. The best scientists share their research. The best intern shares their enthusiasm, energy, optimism and hope.

Today, we will have an opportunity to share ourselves with others.  How we share our talents, skills, experience, and time might be the determinate of whether or not someone else can see through us the One who shared Himself to the world more than anyone else.

Reference: Galatians 6:6 (New Living Translation)