Tag Archives: share

day 1507: Share

“Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus.”

When one hears the word share, we think of what our first grade teacher told us.  If you can’t share, then don’t bring it to school.  But, there is another meaning of “share” that is just the opposite.  When we think market share, we don’t want to give up anything and we want more, more, more.  I read that in internet media industry that Google holds 40.7% of market share with the next closest competitor with 6.6%.  That’s a huge gap and they certainly have earned it over the years.  But, there is no guarantee of share staying where it is.  That’s why, when everything is said and done, the one metric that really matters is what percent of the market share a business holds.  A loss of a point is enough to create worry and action.  A point gained, is good but it can always get better.

As we go into this day, let us remember that we don’t have to wage battle or do extra to get more faith in God.  God has filled us with faith, we just need reach into ourselves and let ourselves believe and tap this faith to make it through our challenges and life.  It’s all there. It’s like God has given us all of Him, upfront and without reservation, all for each of us.  God’s share is our share.  What will we do today to not allow ourselves to any way diminish or doubt our faith?

Reference:  1 Timothy 1:14 (New Living Testament)