Tag Archives: san francisco forty-niners

day 1067: X’s and O’s

“Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure.”

It’s Friday, but not just any old Friday…it’s the Friday before SuperBowl and there is a pretty good chance that most of you who are reading this today already know where you will be Sunday afternoon to watch the big game. Since it is a classic east coast vs. west coast game, we can expect the TV viewership to be up. It doesn’t hurt that the 49ers haven’t played in a SuperBowl in a long time, that the opposing coaches are brothers and that it is Ray Lewis’ last game, regardless.  It’s a super game just waiting to happen and for two weeks we have heard about everything that there is to be said about the game.  And there have been plenty of analysis about the offense and defense needed to win the game.  The X’s and the O’s matter.  The same happens in our companies – we have an offense and defense strategy that we keep in front of ourselves and our teams at all times.  That is, if we want to win.  Hitting the marketplace without a fresh set of X’s and O’s and each player knowing their roles and plays for the week is like sending out a team onto the field to figure it out on their own.  No one wins the SuperBowl that way.  The winner on Sunday and next week and forward will be the team that executes the best on their X’s and O’s.

“God is Good”. This is not a new statement for us.  We have heard it since we were children.  It is a statement filled with “O’s.  But even in this life of X’s that we live, the statement holds up.  Drop an “O” and we still know that “God is God”.  So, as believers we can trust in God for our offense and defense.  All we have to do is join and suit up for His team. Everyday is the SuperBowl for God.  Let’s be sure and play our position well for Him today!

Reference: Psalm 73:1 (New Living Translation)