Tag Archives: rusty rueff

day 468: Where Confidence Lies

Where our confidence lies is too many times with other people. In our jobs we look up to our boss, our bosses’ boss and ultimately to the CEO for the direction of our livelihood. The problem with this is that, regardless of how good of a person or how good they are in their job, people will always let us down. This is just the way it is, because we are all people and we fail physically and all have our faults. This past week we had the example of Mark Hurd, a very good CEO being removed from his position for failing to reports his expenses correctly. We also saw that the CEO of Sara Lee, Brenda Barnes, was having to step down because of an untimely illness. Both, very good CEOs and doing good things for their companies. But for different reasons, one day they were in their job, the next day they weren’t. And throughout both organizations there were undoubtedly people wondering what will happen next with the company and to their own jobs. Their confidence is shaken with the change and the unrest now at the top of the organization. Changing where we allow our confidence to lie is hard to do, but if we find ourselves putting too much confidence in our earthly leaders, we will also find ourselves at some point feeling lost and confused. David wrote of this in Psalm 146: 3-4: “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When the breathing stops, they return to the earth, and in a moment all of their plans come to an end.” Think about this today and evaluate where you are putting your confidence. If your first thoughts are those about people, then it is time to begin the shift to realigning your confidence to the only One who won’t let you down, who won’t disappear, who won’t change jobs on you, or make a mistake that has Him removed from His position.

Reference: Psalm 146: 3-4 (New Living Testament)