Tag Archives: rusty rueff

day 522: No, It Is Not Sweet

I have noticed over the years that the only place where people are more insistent on getting even and getting revenge than they are on the playground as kids, is at work. Maybe it is because we can so easily take out our frustrations and anger with someone else at work without too many repercussions, or maybe it is because work memories are only as long as the current boss and management team, so people feel more courageous to get even with others, hold grudges and do whatever it takes to put themselves in front of others, especially those that they feel have wronged them in some way. I have spent way too many hours in my career hearing about how someone feels mistreated, taken advantage of, spoken down to, etc. and just about the moment that I could start to feel a little empathy for them, they switch into spewing out their plans on how they will get back at someone or get even against them. Way too much energy is spent on this pervasive attitude versus reconciling, forgiving, forgetting and moving on. It is easy for any one of us to get caught up in this and lose perspective. Paul tells us that this is not becoming of the type of person that God wants us to be. He says in Romans 12:17; “Never pay back evil for evil to anyone.” Notice that he says, “anyone”. This means our competitors and our enemies too. Today, think about those who have offended you and ask yourself if you are still holding a grudge or worse yet, plotting and planning a revenge. In the eyes of God, revenge is anything but sweet.

Reference: Romans 12:17 (New Living Testament)