Tag Archives: rusty rueff

day 549: Bah, Humbug!

It’s a most wonderful time of the year and yet I see and hear lots of people who are moaning and groaning about the stresses and pressures they have on them before the end of the year. Of course there is more to do than there is time. When is that ever any different? This is an important time of the year for all of us but we need to be sure that we add on the significance of the season into our thinking and attitude. This is the time of the year when we can let our light and love shine on others and do so in a way that can make a real impact on others. Yes, we can be lights at all times of the year, and we should be, but this is a time when the hearts and minds of others are open to encouragement, celebration, thanksgiving, love and joyfulness. Annually across the country theaters are opening their versions of Charles Dicken’s Christmas Carol. We all know the story of Ebenezer Scrooge who has to be shocked and scared into seeing who he is and what he will become to get him to change his ways and become joyful, grateful and giving. We go and see this show over and over to remind ourselves of what we don’t want to be and who we rather should be. As believers this also is part of our job. We are to be the examples of what to be and if we are not joyful and expectant during this holiday season then we miss a tremendous window of opportunity. This is not a season of “Bah, humbug!”. This is the season of “…Immanuel, which it translated, ‘God with us’. There is our reason, if for no other, to be the ones who bring joy and thankfulness to our jobs today.

Reference: Matthew 1:23 (NKJV)