Tag Archives: rueff

day 1141: Strategists

“I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them all!”

When I worked at PepsiCo we actually had a group of people who were assigned to work on strategy for the corporation.  I didn’t know better then, but what a fun group that would have been to have worked.  On the surface they looked very quantitative as numbers were what were used to validate strategic directions, but these really were the people who were leading the visioning of the company.  It was interesting when they would present drastic strategic shifts that would many times bring in outside “experts” to shore up their positions. I guess, even the smartest of the smartest need others to validate their thinking. What I learned from this group is how important it is to have someone whose job it is to be thinking long, visioning and dreaming about what they future could be.  We tend to all get so consumed in our own jobs and immediate deliverables that we don’t take, or have, the time to think about what might be.  Is there someone who is taking the time to think long, dream big and author the direction of your future?

The Bible values Prophets highly as they readied generations for the coming of Christ and opened the eyes, ears and hearts of so many leaders to the ways of God.  God wants each of us to dream big and think long about the work we can do for the Kingdom.  It may be that God is speaking to us about this right now, but we can’t clear our minds and become still enough to hear His words for us.  Today could be the great day to find other believers to pray with you about the direction that you should be moving! If in our earthly work we surround ourselves with those who have the time to think long and  dream big, then let’s also surround ourselves with those who can spiritually also help us to do so.  This is the gift and power of church and small groups.

Reference: Numbers 11:29 (New Living Translation)