Tag Archives: rueff

day 1259: Matches

“Your teeth are as white as sheep that are freshly washed. Your smile is flawless, each tooth matched with its twin.”

There may not be a harder technology challenge than finding the perfect match.  Industries have been built from this need; biotech, digital tech, agriculture, just to name a few.  In digital technology we are always hunting for the perfect match, whether that be through dating sites, through job sites, and broadly between retailers/manufacturers and customers.  The perfect match is one where two parties decide they want the same thing. This is hard work and with today’s technology algorithms we get closer and closer to the perfect match.  Some will call them “recommendation” or “discovery” engines, but these are also all about matching what I like to what I might not yet know I will like.  Matching is so important to all that we do that we should ensure that the understanding of the science of matching is resident within our companies.  If we aren’t almost obsessed with the pursuit of the perfect match then we are probably missing out on business.

The Song of Solomon is a love poem and Solomon even speaks of the perfect match. Christ came to the earth to become our perfect match and even today He provides us the continual opportunity to come closer and closer to Him. He is our perfect match and if we spend our focus and energy on matching closer and closer to Him, the rest will fall into place nicely for us.  It’s when we get too fixated on matching to others, or to a job, or to a thing, that we can fall apart. Consider today where you are putting your matching efforts.

Reference: Song of Solomon 6:6 (New Living Translation)