Tag Archives: rueff

day 1372: Renewable Energy

“No, someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me”

Each day we rise to face another day of issues, objectives and challenges at work. We do our best day-in and day-out to be strong and committed while we face the obstacles that so naturally are there within our workplace and with the people whom we work. This is a universal struggle that is real for the people within every company.  Until the robots take over, this will never go away and rather than run and hide from it, isn’t it better to tackle the issue straight on?  This is why we need to keep the positive renewable energy up in our workplaces and pay attention to culture and actions that can bring us down.  When we start to slip, one by one, it becomes very hard to build back to where we were before.

When we do good and try and provide a ministry to others we are expending what needs to be renewed. Even Jesus felt that there was something that was expended when His robe was touched by the woman seeking healing. In Luke 8:46 He says, “No, someone deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me”. None of us can even begin to think that we are ministering as Jesus did but if even He felt a depletion then we as humans would have even more of a depletion than He when we attempt far less. I don’t think it is unusual for any of us to just feel beaten down and wiped out at the end of the week. It is in those times when we are the weakest and what felt like strength and vigor and full faith on Monday can feel like a whimper of faith and lack of strength come the final stretch of the week. So, it is important that we find ways to renew and refill ourselves throughout the week.

If you are having troubles living the life you want to live at work and you find that it becomes harder and harder as the week goes on, then it is time to refresh yourself by adding in Bible reading, prayer time and potentially joining with others in a small group within the week. The point is that we need to renew ourselves and realize that we just can’t go it alone and expect to be strong and faithful if we are depending on our own strength. Our God loves the worker and He time and again has done miraculous things with those who toiled and worked the fields. He will give you strength and renewal and make you fresh and new every morning if you only seek Him to do so.

Reference Luke 8:46 (New Living Translation)