Tag Archives: Romans 12:2

day 2577: Transformers

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

One of the fist blockbuster movies of 2019 was “Bumblebee”.  Unless you know the Transformers toys, or the previous movies, you might have missed the movie’s significance.  What was pretty cool about the movie is that the Transformer series lives on and is on its way to becoming a series that sits alongside Marvel comics/Disney franchises.  After all they have been around (hang on for it) since 1984. That’s 35 years. There is a generation plus who never knew that Transformers have not always been around.  Transformers actually are a great metaphor of what we all must do with our products and services; transform to stay current and relevant.

Paul gives us the specific word, “transform” as to what God can do for us.  Many times we read this and think that His transformation of us is to keep us behind, or keep us irrelevant to what is going on around us since we are not to conform to the world.  But, consider that God wants us to be the salt (flavor) and light (illumination) of the world, so when we become transformed, we are being changed into something that is far and beyond what we could imagine, into something that will last and last and if we stick with it.  What will might be someday feeling as this is the way I have always been.  God wants to transform us for Him starting today.  Are we willing and ready?

Reference: Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation)