Tag Archives: retail

day 2012: Bellwethers

“He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.”

We’ve now passed the marking of the beginning of the Christmas Season.  That day for many is the day after Thanksgiving or Black Friday. What was very interesting after this Black Friday was the number of analysts and reporters who are now saying that Black Friday is no longer a “Bellwether” for what the holiday retail season will bring.  A few days later, the International Monetary Fund, expanded their benchmark and bellwether currencies to include the Chinese Renminbi  (or Yuan). These two changes, within the same week, are a good reminder that the bellwethers that we have always counted on, don’t come with any guarantee that they will be the same in the future.  We have to be adaptable to be ready for what we always expected to change or disappear right in front of us and sometimes for that to occur when we don’t expect it to ever happen.

With all the uncertainty in the world, we are always looking for those touchstones, those bellwethers of what we can look to, trust and extrapolate for what portends for the future.  But, when we consider the amount of change happening all around us, and the speeding up of the world, it can feel harder to find those constants that we so desire and need.  This is when we can always fallback on The bellwether (actually even more than the bellwether – The shepherd, the touchstone, The cornerstone of God’s promises.  I know, it seems to get harder and harder to find anything we can trust and hold onto.  But, that is when we can look to the hopeful One and hang onto His Word that we can count on to never be shaken.

Reference: Psalm 62:2 (New Living Translation)