Tag Archives: rest

day 588: Rest Time

We work hard and then we work harder until we work ourselves to a point of being totally wasted and burned out. I have written before how important it is to take time to rest and recharge. As we are coming out of The Great Recession it feels like we are going to need to be as rested and recharged as we can be as the economy recovers and the work comes back. But, how can we rest when we have so much already going on and we don’t want to miss an opportunity? It’s a great question and even trying to answer it for ourselves can add stress and wear us out even further. What we all have to do is find a place where we can rest and find a place where we can unplug. All of this is getting harder in our fast-paced always connected world. But, we must rest otherwise we can’t perform at our highest level. If athletes did not rest their bodies then they would under perform and eventually breakdown from injury and once that happens for an athlete they may never recover. The same can happen to us if we push ourselves too far and too fast. We break emotionally or we make a bad decision or our judgment fails us. These can be unrecoverable instances that had we been rested we never would have made. As believers we have a place of rest that we can reach for that will recharge us each and every time. We don’t need to walk away to rest. We just need to walk towards the right place of respite. Paul tells us in Hebrews 4 where to find that rest; “For all who enter into God’s rest will find rest from their labors, just as God rested after creating the world.” If we can find the same rest from God that He received after creating the world, then that is the best rest of all.

Reference: Hebrews 4:10 (New Living Testament)