Tag Archives: quiet

day 1933: Quietness

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”

 I like to get up early and I always liked to get to the office early.   Why?  Well, I cherished the quiet.  It was in the quiet that I was able to get what felt like work done.  When no one else is around there is an ability to hear our own thoughts and to concentrate.  But, most people hit the door a few minutes before their first meeting and then go all day long, non-stop.  And then driving home, they wonder why they didn’t “get anything done”.  What can we do to afford ourselves and others more quite time?  With a little bit more of that, just imagine what we could get done.

As I was reading my devotional last week I was reminded that God looks to speak to us in the quiet.  But, not only that, He will protect us and fight for us if we let him by being still.  Moses told The Israelites that they just needed to be still and trust God and they would be fine.  It’s hard for us to imagine in the battle or in the conflict that being still and quiet is the answer.  But, it is, because that is when we can let God take over.  Battling something or someone today and the first inclination is to strike out?  Consider a different path and try being still for a bit to see what God wants to do for you.

Reference: Exodus 14:14 (New International Version)