Tag Archives: Quartz

day 3K70: Personalizing

“He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.”

A Quartz survey was just released regarding what CEOs think will be the most disruptive forces in the coming business cycle.  The first few issues were not surprising: Automation, AI, Robotics; New Competition and Business Models; Technological Advances in Materials and Processes; and Pervasive Connective Technology Infrastructure.  What did then catch my eye was that just as worrisome as the the list above was “Expectations of personalized products, services and experiences”.  Why it stood out to me is that this the same challenge we are seeing with employee expectations. As employees ask more from us from their work experience, it has become more and more apparent that going forward we are going to need to personalize one’s job and the way one works.  So, the disruption of having to personalize will be around for awhile as we as consumers, customers and employees demand more.

I think that part of the way we are to conduct ourselves as followers of Jesus is to be hyper-personal in how we treat others.  I am not a Bible scholar (I just love to read and study The Bible) so I might have this wrong (I’m sure I will be corrected) but think how Jesus dealt with those He ministered. While He spoke to multitudes, when it came  to healing others Jesus was about being personal.  Jesus always focused His attention to the person in need.  He was all about meeting others where they were and then going hyper-personal.  So, if He has taught us this, then we should also be inclined to be personable and not shy away from others with whom we work when they are in need.

Reference:  1 Peter 2:24 (New Living Translation)