Tag Archives: purposed

day 1052: CES

“Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappear; wealth from hard work grows.”

This is CES week.  CES stands for the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.  Annually, the technology industry and the consumer electronic companies come together to show off their latest and greatest.  If you are looking for an electronic gadget this is the place to go.  This year it appears the show was dominated by health technology devices (basically we are on our way to having a doctor’s office and diagnostic lab in our homes, powered by a mobile device) and not big, but HUGE digital TV screens. We are a nation of consumerism and if it is faster, smaller, larger, sharper, more powerful, we want it and we want it now.  Companies roll out their new products hoping one of them takes off and becomes the next, “I don’t need it but can’t live without it device” (e.g, an ipad…need we say more?).  Make them quick, get out there first, market it like crazy and there’s a good chance that something happens.  Maybe not as big or as broadly adopted as desired, but there is an advantage to being the first mover.

God’s Kingdom is just the opposite of CES.  God doesn’t roll out to us annually a new set of anything that can come and go.  God’s Kingdom is filled with things that last and have been around as long as God has given them to us.  His blessings and gifts aren’t here today and gone tomorrow.  And all He asks for us to do is to believe and follow Him to be able to get all of these things given to us.  But, He doesn’t stop there with us.  He also wants us to be as excited about the things in His Kingdom as we are the new tech gadget.  He wants us to spend as much or more time in his Word than playing the cool games that are coming out next.  He wants us to talk to Him, not through texting but in prayer.  We like to get caught up in the new and cool.  How about today we spend some more time on the everlasting and awesome?

Reference: Proverbs 13:11 (New Living Translation)