Tag Archives: purposed

day 1112: A “Brick”

“God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”

Do you remember when we called it a “Brick”?  In 1973, 40 years ago, Martin Cooper created the Motorola DynaTac, the first handheld cellular phone.  And a brick it was. I didn’t personally have one of the first ones but I saw them and they were big, heavy, clunky and at the same time magical and desirous. Everyone wanted one and if they could afford one, they bought one.  But, those were few people at the time. Today, who doesn’t have a cell phone and/or a smartphone? Also at the time, it looked like Motorola had the manifest destiny to own the cell phone market and they could do no wrong. Today, where is Motorola?  What was a Samsung in 1973?  Let’s never forget that our businesses or products have any manifest destiny. What feels like we have a balloon that will never stop soaring, can just as quickly fall like a “brick”.

Work is full of human examples too of soaring to the top of the org chart and just as quickly falling out of favor, out of their position and out of the company.  If we are spending all of our time striving to be the number one person and we are missing the cues and messages that we have become too much about ourselves and our careers, then we are on a dangerous path. Jesus reminded us directly that the way to Him is not through trying to be the top person. In fact, He more than once admonished those around Him who showed signs and actions of competition for advancement and recognition.  We live and work in a world that isn’t perfect so yes, we are supposed to do our best in the situation we have been placed, and no, we aren’t supposed to just walk around not trying to succeed and achieve.  However, the line that must be managed is the one that takes over our priorities, behaviors and will. Let’s check today to see what we have placed as most important in our lives.  We don’t want to be the next fallen brick!

Reference: Matthew 5:5 (New Living Translation)