Tag Archives: purposed

day 1115: Better Claims

“Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

I was reading an article about truth in advertising and was reminded that if you are going to make a claim of something you have being better than someone else, that you have to be able to empirically back that claim up.  If you can’t then you can’t make the claim.  Well, you can, but you run the risk of being challenged and then being embarrassed if found out.  That’s why we don’t see a lot of “Tastes better than…”, or “Cleans better than….”.  Now, this is not to say that consumers can’t be asked to give their own personal testaments and claims, like “Bing searches faster and better than Google”, or “Pepsi tastes better than Coke”.  Those are opinions and can be utilized, if they are not coerced or scripted for actors.  It’s a fine line, so we should be careful about making claims of better, unless we are sure.
Jesus came to give us a better life and He made many claims that this was so.  He died for those claims so that indeed He could rise again, to substantiate that the claim was true.  Even after that ultimate gift and sacrifice, we can find ourselves not taking in the full advantage of the better life that He wants for us. If we believe and allow Him to work in our lives, then we can be walking proof of His claim and we can further substantiate that all that He said was true.  There is a reason that we are called witnesses.  If we take in all that He has for us, then we can testify on His behalf and be a witness to the world.  On the job is one of the most powerful witness stands we will ever have.  What will we do today with the truth of our better life.
Reference: John 14:6 (New Living Translations)