Tag Archives: purposed

day 1265: Spreading It Around (redux)

 I’ll be traveling and taking some vacation time through November 15th, so Purposed worKING will be revisiting some earlier posts until then…

“Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples”

Purposed worKING spends a lot of time on trying to help each of us become better and better in living out our work lives in a way that God would want us to so that we can bring glory to Him in all that we do. There are so many lessons from the Bible that it feels like the fountain that can’t run dry. Each day that we face the small and big challenges of our work day and we are given the opportunity to either live, work and walk in the steps of our Lord and the examples and instructions given to us or to ignore and move in our own patterns and those of the world. As believers we know what we are to do, but when surrounded by so many others and the influences upon us, we can fall onto a path that we didn’t want to walk on but just end up there. It’s hard to be in the world. It’s hard to work. And, it’s even harder to work the way we want day in and day out. As disciples of Christ we have big charges put in front us. When Jesus says; “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples”, He is not mincing words and He is making it clear as to what we are supposed to do. And as we all know, loving one another, all the time and consistently is as about as hard as it gets. But, this is what we are to do. At work we can show our love by being ones who are caring, listening, respectful, encouraging, appreciative and giving of ourselves. Maybe no one will ever describe it at the office as “love” but we will send the same important and powerful message. Today, look around you and think of someone who needs your attention and caring. There is always someone, so find at least one and go a little further with them today so that the descriptive words above would be tagged on you today if the other person was asked to describe you. Spread it around today and also see if it doesn’t catch on too.

Reference: John 13:35 (New Living Testament)