Tag Archives: purposed

day 1522: Building Social Currency: Part 4 – Social Tools Are A Means, Not An End

I clipped out an article in 2010 from Fast Company  that was written by Ben Paynter, titled “Five Steps to Social Currency”.  I was so struck by Paynter’s five steps/lessons that I thought they would be worth exploring in depth and applying some of our purposed worKING thoughts to what he has written.  This will be the fourth in our five part series.

“Because of your unfailing love, I can enter your house; I will worship at your Temple with deepest awe.”

Let’s remember that building a business is the gaining of customers and consumers and then retaining them.  Customers and consumers that come and go, well they are not only expensive, but they are potentially damaging.  I’m on the board of a company that has come to the conclusion that some customers just aren’t ready to be sold to and even though they might sign a deal for a few thousand dollars, it is actually better to not sell to them if they aren’t “ready” enough that those few thousand dollars end up feeling like a great deal, value, or maybe even a bargain.  We all know this feeling.  On our recent wedding anniversary trip we listened to the recommendation of the American Express Travel desk and booked a hotel in Savannah which was supposed to be something really “special”.  It turned out to be special in that it was really expensive, but that where the “special” ended.  We were ready for a great experience, but they weren’t ready to deliver one and so we walked away not feeling good about those few nights and now are questioning other hotels in their line of offering, and also American Express’ recommendations.  And, because we are human, when you ask either of us about our stay in Savannah, we will likely tell you where to avoid along with what to do.

I’m a “church guy”.  What I mean by that is that I believe that attending and being in church is part of what we are taught Biblically to do as part of our walk with Christ.  If this was not to be the case, then why would have God sent His disciples to establish and create churches?  But many I know have stopped attending church, or just attend when it is comfortable for them.  My pastor likes to say that being in church is being at the intersection of intentionality and sacrifice.  He is right and I personally like what can happen in that intersection.  What I am drawing on here is that as we are to go about deepening our walk with the Lord and bringing others along with us, that we need to go past the superficial and don’t just stop there.  When we engage, that is when we grow and in our growth is the ends we desire.

Reference: Psalm 5:7 (New Living Translation)