Tag Archives: purposed

day 1561: Second Guessing

“Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”

Ever wanted to be a football coach in the NFL?  Ever wanted to be the football coach who called the wrong play and potentially lost the Super Bowl?  There is a whole lot of second guessing going on in Seattle this week.  Every sports media outlet is dominated by why execute a passing play so close to the end zone?  (I remember the same question asked a year ago too?) We are in the age of second guessing.  We can sit at home and watch the rerun over and over and then act like if we were the coach, we would have made a different decision.  But, a decision is a decision and if we are going to put ourselves in the position of decision-making then second guessing comes with the price of admission. So, let’s make our best decisions and not listen to the second guessing.  If we make our decisions based on the worry of being second guessed, we will likely not make any decision at all.

When we decided to follow Jesus, we took on plenty of room to be second guessed.  Each time we falter in our walk, there will be someone there to say, “See, I told you so!”  And that, I am sorry to say, will never go away.  It comes with the profession of our faith and our willingness to be known for what we believe.  Don’t sweat the second guessers.  If we stay faithful and we do the best we can in our following of Christ, God will work their hearts for us.

Reference: Luke 9:62 (New Living Translation)