Tag Archives: purposed

day 1967: Obstinate Optimist

“I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”

Mitch Daniels, the President of Purdue University, my alma mater,  describes himself as an “obstinate optimist”.  I love that description as I find myself there most of the time too.  What is hard about being one of these is that we are easily frustrated with those who see the world differently and start with the glass as half-empty.  It takes all kinds to make the world go round, but I know that our businesses and organizations would be better with more OO+ people.

Why can we be optimists and hopeful with all that the world deals us that tries to create a sense of hopelessness?  It is because we have Jesus in our backpacks and briefcases as he head to work each day. As you settle in this morning, take a gaze in there and know that He is with you in all that you will face today and is only waiting for you to reach in and bring Him out for all that you do and need.

Reference:  Lamentations 3:24 (New Living Translation)