Tag Archives: purposed worKING

day 443: Primary Concerns

More than many times I have had to counsel others on and remind myself of priorities. It was Covey who said something to the affect of, “The main thing to remember is that the main thing is the main thing.” Work is so full of moving priority targets that it is tough to keep them straight. We are bombarded by new information each day and there is always another big or good idea around the corner, not to mention the constant set of problems that have to be solved. It is hard to stay set on on our primary concerns and stick with them consistently. Yet, this is the foundation for success in our work. Those who are great at keeping to their priorities and not stopping until the job is fully completed are the ones who continue to be given more and rise to the top. To be the best we can be, we need to continue to grow and develop in the area of priority setting and priority management. The best leader I ever worked with could boil down the business into 3-5 priorities and regardless of what was brought to him, he would pull the issue, the problem or the opportunity through those 3-5 filters and if the new things didn’t match up to the priorities he would shoo them away. If they did fit, he would get them done. He was amazing that way. We could all benefit in this area. As believers God tells us what our first and foremost primary concern should be and he promises us if we stay focused and stick with it that all the rest will follow. We read in Matthew 6:33, “He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.” Today, we might be bouncing around a number of priorities and can’t seem to lock in on what we need to do. Let’s try regrouping around our primary concern first and then looking to Him to help sort out the rest. We may find that our priority setting skills will get a lot better very quickly.

Reference: Matthew 6:33 (New Living Testament)