Tag Archives: purposed worKING

day 575: Here’s The Plan…

How many times have we heard, “Here’s the plan…”, knowing that this plan will either not work or be very different by the time we get from here to there? Knowing that the plan we start with will likely change and morph into something else and being very comfortable with that shift is a part of being good in our jobs. The business climate as we know it today is all about change and being able to change quickly. Those who have the skill of change management and leading change are in high demand. Those who are resistant to change or reluctant to try new things get left behind. But just because we know and accept that the plans will change doesn’t mean that we still shouldn’t plan. Planning is also a skill that needs to be practiced and honed over the life of our careers. Without a plan we can end up spinning our wheels going nowhere. So, we all need plans. What I have learned over the years is that the best plans are those that are tied to measurable outcomes and results so that we can see progress and pass milestones that give us momentum to carry on. Two of my friends and I have set our goals for the year and as we were talking through them yesterday and how we are progressing against them we found that in the first month of the year we were mostly laying out the plans to achieve those goals, and that was a good thing. If you don’t feel like you have a plan or you are struggling to find a plan for yourself and what you do at work, well, “Here’s the plan…”. Start today with getting into God’s Word and ask Him to start helping you start a plan for your work and life. David gives us the promise in Psalm 138, “The Lord will work out his plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.” Today would be a great day to start bringing the Lord into your planning sessions as the plans He has for us are the ones that we can count on sticking.

Reference; Psalm 138:8 (New Living Testament)