Tag Archives: purposed worKING

day 645: A Good Mood Day

“The Lord is king! Let the earth rejoice! Let the farthest coastlands be glad.”

People can be known for their moods. We all know someone who is known for their good moods, someone who is known for their bad moods and someone who is known for vacillating, or what we would call them to be, “moody”. Companies and organizations can be the same. There are companies that have a general positive disposition. Usually they are characterized by customers and clients as friendly, positive and helping companies. They can also be organizations that are in growth mode and therefore have lots of positive momentum and that mood follows. Then there are organizations that are known for their bad mood. Have you ever been to the Department of Motor Vehicles? Need I say more? And yes, there are the organizations that are also moody and can swing back and forth confusing both the consumer and the marketplace. What is true about all of these organizations is that it is the people within them that cause the mood of the culture, not the other way around. There isn’t some robot or machine that sets the mood. Mood and tone is usually set at the top and trickles or roars down from there. If you are in a management position then you set the tone and the mood for your team. You are getting some message from above (in the organization) and you can either reinforce or run against the tone/mood and from there decide what mood you personally want to be in and what mood you want your group, team, or department to share. Suffice it to say that your mood and your personal mood management makes a difference.

Sharing the purpose to bring glory to God in our work and all we do means also managing our mood. How can we be filled with God’s spirit and not be happy and rejoicing in it? Every day should be a day that we wake looking forward expectantly to what can be a day where great things happen. Those great things can be big, they can be small, but if our heart, mind and actions are all in the right place, the things that happen will be meaningful. I cannot tell you who you will touch and impact today, but I can tell you that each interaction you have is a possibility to leave something positive in someone’s life. You can start that with going into this day in a good mood and rejoicing and being glad that He is our Lord and He is alive and well! King David said it best, “The Lord is king! Let the earth rejoice! Let the farthest coastlands be glad.” His is a the mood that is good.

Reference: Psalm 97:1-3 (New Living Testament)