Tag Archives: purpose

day 513: Counting our Blessings

On this Friday as we go to work we will hear on the radio or read in the news that first time unemployment claims continue to rise. By this time we had expected that the recession to have ended and that job growth would be happening, not have the job picture remain bleak. Technically the “great recession” ended last year but for most people there is still the fear of more to come or a second shoe to drop. Not everyone who reads Purposed worKING has a job right now, but many of you do and as you complete this week, it is important that you consider the job you have now as a blessing. It may not be perfect. It may not be the “dream job”. It may not be working for exactly the type of boss or team that you would like, but the job you have right now, in comparison to the over 15 million Americans who can’t find any type of work, is a blessing. And, as we read in Matthew 25:29; “To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance.” Using well the jobs and the work we have been given can begin with thanking the One from which all comes and asking Him how to make the work we do, and the job we have been given, a way for us to bring glory to Him? Let’s not forget as we finish this week that each day we are given to bring glory to God through our work is always a blessing that we should never take for granted, but instead do our best to make a blessing for Him and others.

Reference: Matthew 25:29 (New Living Testament)