Tag Archives: purpose

day 551: First Time Leaders

One of the hardest times we ever have in our careers is the first time we become leaders of others. One day we are like everyone else and the next we are asked to lead and manage others who yesterday were our peers. Not only is this hard on the person who is stepping up but it is also hard on those who are being managed by this person as they learn through trial and error. Some companies will put people through a leadership and supervision course before they are promoted but most just allow people to sink or swim in the new responsibility. Net, it is hard on everyone when first time leaders are created and everyone should jump in and help. The manager over the newly promoted person has to work harder to mentor, advise and coach. Peers need to step forward and provide advice, counsel and encouragement. Subordinates, some who wish they should have gotten the job, need to be patient and understanding as the new leader finds their way. The new leader also must be humble and open to feedback as she/he makes their mistakes and learns. It can be a hard toll on the organization and everyone has to pull together for success to happen. We should also say a prayer for these new leaders. Great King Solomon even understood the challenges of first time leadership when he said in 1 Kings 3:9, “Give me an understanding mind so that I can govern your people and know the difference between right from wrong. For who by himself is able to govern this great nation of yours?” Today, you may run into the challenges that come from a first time leader. See if today you can encourage, prop up and support this person as their success is your and your organization’s success! Your word of encouragement could be just the thing that they need today.

Reference: 1 Kings 3:9 (New Living Testament)